The World Champions will not give in easily! What was a foregone conclusion turned out to be nail-biter of enormous proportions. Was Kasper out or not, is debtatable as the picture shows, but his stand with Brett Lee will go down in history as one of the most astonishing last-minute stands in the history of the game.
The next test will not have McGrath once again. But I expect to see Australia firing. England will have its own worries also. Their batting has only fired in one out of 4 innings played in this series thus far. Vaughan, Bell and to a lesser extent Strauss have had problems getting runs on the board. Hence, if Pietersen and Freddie have off-days with the bat, they could have problems putting a decent size score on the board. Also Old Trafford is a happy hunting ground for Warne - he would not mind going after the England line-up which does not appear to have overcome their issues with Warne yet. Yes, he will surely reach 600 wickets and get lots more there!
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